Our Story

The Beginning

When he was 14 years old, he was in the worst class of his year. His parents nearly chased him out of the house for bad grades and disciplinary problems. At 15, an event changed his mind and he decided to fully dedicate his life to find methods to learn effectively and quickly. He started to seek


He started teaching from house to house and by 2003, he has already established a tuition place with around 30 students from public schools, including a few outstanding teenagers.


They gave extra classes to the tuition students and stand in as academic assistants in class. It wasn't too long until each of them garnered a lot of experience as well as built up a good reputation for themselves.  


After 2 years, the number of students skyrocketed, but they can only handle so much without exhausting themselves. They tried to recruit more teachers, but good teachers are hard to come by. However, they kept up the hiring and training process to ensure that the students receive the education they deserve because this is the exact reason they ventured into this field. And thus a team of dedicated teachers were assembled as they began to expand their business to accept students from international schools as well.


In 2014, they received many requests from students and parents to start another centre which is nearer to their home. After discussing with their mentor at length, they decided to start their 1st tuition centre branch. The centre was opened in the same year, but it wasn't always smooth sailing. Opening a centre also subjected them to extra costs, such as rental, teacher wages, bills and even renovation costs. This led them to expend the savings they have amassed over the years in a short period of time.


A few months passed but they're barely making ends meet. Although the students are giving their support, but students have to graduate eventually. They're also struggling to recruit enough new students given their young unknown brand in the new area. In these tough times, all of them thought about cutting their losses, to shut down the centre.

2015 Part 2

Their mentor's words reignited the sparks in them once more, and they started to develop and equip themselves with much advanced teaching methods and technologies. Realising each students is different, and tuition centres in different locations require separate a set of personalised teaching methods, they devised one unique solution and methodology themselves. In


To provide ample help for all their students, they opened up their second branch, third, fourth ... seventh, until the fifteen branch opens in 2019. Relying on their fiery passion for education, these young adults managed to make a name for themselves in the field, achieving their aspirations. The mentor has spent more than 10,000 hours of his life on research and the production of extraordinary notes, tools, content and videos to help other struggling students around the world. VBest team believe to push our country education forward, parents, school teachers, tutors and the ministry of education will need to work seamlessly together as a

Covid Year

The pandemic has hit us badly as all our centres are forced to closed and our teachers livelihood are at risk. We quickly learn how to teach online. Spending an enormous amount of resources to purchase the latest technologies and train our teachers to deliver online lessons beyond everyone's expectations. We have definitely raised the bar. Currently, our online classes has become a very popular complement to our physical classes.

2023 (Present)

Starting with a single spark, a vision to provide students and parents with the best possible education experience. And now with 26 centres dotting the map, our journey has been incredible. Each centre stands as a beacon of knowledge and opportunity.
